Personal Investors

Strategy and policy

Investment strategy

Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its assets in equity securities. It invests primarily in equity securities incorporated or traded outside the United States. Generally, the fund's assets will be invested in securities of companies located in developed countries. The advisor considers developed countries to be those defined by the MSCI World ex-USA Index. The fund will, under normal circumstances, invest in a minimum of three countries outside of the United States.

Investment policy

The investment seeks capital appreciation over the long term. Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its assets in equity securities. It invests primarily in equity securities incorporated or traded outside the United States. Generally, the fund's assets will be invested in securities of companies located in developed countries. The advisor considers developed countries to be those defined by the MSCI World ex-USA Index. The fund will, under normal circumstances, invest in a minimum of three countries outside of the United States.

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